Leading Resources for Teacher Self Care
Posted by MAXCases Admin on Mar 15, 2021

Teaching can be a phenomenally rewarding career that is also fraught with periodic change, pressure and worry. District announced new curriculum guidelines and you need to scramble to update your lessons? Stressful. Students disengaged because of family traumas? Heartbreaking and stressful. A pandemic pops up, changing just about everything about how you do your job? Beyond nerve-wracking.

Here at MAXCases, we may not be teachers ourselves, but we know quite a few – and we feel you. Not only that, we have a deep and abiding respect for all you do for our future generations. We sincerely hope that one or more of the following resources helps lighten the emotional load and brings you greater peace, health and happiness.

Organization Services Website
ASCD Express, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Sends regular newsletters that provide practical and actionable self-care strategies for teachers. http://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/home.aspx
Calm A meditation and relaxation app that offers teachers free access to mindfulness exercises as well as an onboarding package. https://www.calm.com/schools
Center on Great Teachers and Leaders Video webinar on how educators can practice self-care while staying connected during the Covid-19 crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUdnvS0tyw&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=CenteronGreatTeachersandLeaders
Create for Education and the Garrison Institute Programs to help teachers cultivate resilience and other healthy emotional behavior. https://www.garrisoninstitute.org/initiatives/programs/cultivating-awareness-and-resilience-in-education/
Edutopia Offers articles, videos and other helpful content about teacher self-care. https://www.edutopia.org/video/prioritizing-teacher-self-care
EverFi Webinar that shares activities, strategies, tips for teachers and their mental well-being. https://everfi.com/webinars/k-12/prioritizing-mental-well-being/?cta=inline_cta
Family & Children’s Services A Support Line that emotionally supports teachers and parents during Covid-19. Available in English and Spanish. https://www.fcsok.org/copes-covid-emotional-support-line/
Global Educator Collective a Facebook community of educators around the world that provides emotional support and advice during school closures. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Temporaryschoolclosuresupport/
Guardian Network Curated stories to help emotionally support and inform educators. https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/series/teacher-wellbeing-2014
Happy Teacher Revolution Virtual training and support group meetings held by a network of teachers promoting wellness in their communities. https://www.happyteacher.info/
Headspace A mindfulness app that offers free services for TFA corps members and alumni, available by registering with an @tfacorps.org email address. https://work.headspace.com/tfa/member-enroll/login
Meditative Art Offers free meditative art classes for teachers. https://www.zenfloart.com/?fbclid=IwAR3aXqG5NFu4yUgtTTZrsUmwXSu1SmUAWiBR7FAOJbroliDP5s83Y4YEJjc
National Council of Teachers of English Holds weekly teacher gathering for support, community, and the sharing of ideas. https://ncte.org/rsvp-member-gathering/
National Education Association Facebook group for NEA members to support each other and share how COVID-19 has affected them as teachers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/NEANavigatesCOVID19/
Teach for America Network Slack channel Virtual community of Teach For America members and alumni that offers weekly check-ins for support and guidance. https://tfanetworkworkspace.slack.com/
Teachers’ Aid: Podcast that offers range of episodes on social and emotional support for teachers. https://www.bamradionetwork.com/genre/teachers-aid/
Teaching With Mental Health in Mind Facebook group providing mental health support for educators. https://www.facebook.com/twmhnm/?ref=page_internal
The Teacher Self-Care Podcast Podcast that features teachers and administrators sharing their experiences with self-care. https://anchor.fm/teacher-self-care
United Federation of Teachers Hosts virtual support groups for teachers via Zoom video conferences. https://uft.wufoo.com/forms/q1by3j0k1ecnoi2/
We Are Teachers Offers curated videos, articles and tools to help teachers be healthy and happy. https://www.weareteachers.com/category/teacher-life/
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence/RULER Provides tips, webinar, and additional resources to support teachers and their school community. https://www.rulerapproach.org/managing-anxiety-around-covid-19/

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